MathOpen 2026 Belarus
We invite students in higher education, both undergraduates and postgraduates, from all over the world to participate in the 16th Open Mathematical Olympiad of the Belarusian-Russian University (International Student Olympiad MathOpen 2026 Belarus), which is scheduled to be held at the Belarusian-Russian University based in Mogilev, Belarus, on February 18–20, 2026. At most two students from a particular institution can participate, and ideally they should come with an academic supervisor.
We would like to draw your attention to the following information:
– the Olympiad will be held as a competition with individual classification in one round in the form of testing (30 tasks in the form of tests to be fulfilled within 5 hours);
– the tasks will contain problems from the following areas of mathematics: algebra, theory of numbers, analysis (real or complex), analytical geometry, combinatorial analysis, ordinary differential equations.
Working languages of the Olympiad are English and Russian.
The registration fee for the participation in the Olympiad is 100 euros per team. Travel expenses, meals and accommodation of non-resident participants and supervisors are paid by the institution sending them.
The submission deadline for applications is December 26, 2025.
Please feel free to contact us by email, if you require any further information.
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